Bangladesh Affairs Paper-1 and Paper-2 Syllabus For BCS Written Examination (BPSC)

Bangladesh Affairs Paper-1 : Marks-100 (For both General and Professional/Technical Cadre)
This paper is designed to cover historical, geographical, environmental, social, cultural, political, economic and administrative affairs of Bangladesh. Attention may be given to the following topics:-
  1. Topographical and demographic features of Bangladesh.Historical background of Bangladesh.
  2. Bangladesh Liberation war.
  3. Social, Economic and Political life in Bangladesh.
  4. Art and Literature of Bangladesh.
  5. Resources and Conservation: Natural, Flora and Fauna, Mineral; (vii) Management of Water and Energy resources.
  6. Various Development Strategies and Policies of Bangladesh; (ix)  Role of Education in human resource development.
  7. GNP and Per capita income: Contribution of agriculture, industry, commerce and services
  8. to GNP.

Bangladesh Affairs Paper-2 : Marks-100 (For both General and Technical/Professional Cadre)
The Constitution of Bangladesh;
Government of Bangladesh:
  • Legislative
  • Executive
  • Judiciary
Foreign Policy, international relations and security strategy of Bangladesh.
Role of Political Parties in Bangladesh.
Administrative set up − Central and local governments.
Civil-Military relations in Bangladesh.
Role of NGOs in Bangladesh.
Empowerment of women in Bangladesh;
Political and economic institutions and their accountability;
Civil Society, democracy and state - building;
Reforms in Bangladesh - Administrative, Land and Education;
Role of IMF, ADB and World Bank in Bangladesh;
Effect of free market and globalization in Bangladesh.


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