First Year Syllabus Department of Islamic History and Culture. Four-Year B.A. (Honours) Course Effective from the Session: 2013–2014.
Geographical features of Jazirat al-Arab–sources of history (570-750)–socio-economic, political and cultural conditions of Arabia before the advent of Islam.Early career of Muhammad (sm)–Muhammad (sm) as Prophet before Hijrat–Hijrat of Muslims to Abyssinia–Prophet’s Hijrat to Madina–Charter of Madina–battles of Prophet (Badr, Uhud, Khandaq, Tabuk, Hunayan, Muta)–Prophet`s policy towards the Jews and Christians–Treaty of Hudaybiah– conquest of Mecca–Prophet`s place in history- Khulafa-i-Rashidun : beginning and progress of Khilafat–Abu Bakr’s election–Ridda wars–Khalifa Umar–expansion of Islamic state–Umar’s Diwan–administration–Khalifa Usman–beginning of civil disturbance in Islam–Khalifa Ali–beginning of civil war in Islam–battle of Siffin–arbitration – of Dhumatul Jandal- the Kharijites-
The Umayyads: Geneaolgy –the establishment of Ummayyad Khilafat–Harbite Branch: Muawiyah I–Yazid I–events of Karbala–the rise of the Shiites. Hakamid branch: Marwan I–Abdul Malik: consolidation and Arabicization–the Mawali issue Al-Walid I : expansion of Khilafat in the east and the west–Hajjaj bin Yusuf–Tariq bin Ziyad and Musa bin Nusayar–Umar bin Abdul Aziz: Mawali and revenue policy–Hisham–decline and fall of the Umayyads–Marwan II–revenue reforms of Nasr bin Sayyar–Abbasid propaganda–fall of the Umayyads
Reading Book List:
Sources of history (750-258)- Rise of the Abbasids-al Saffah-al-Mansur-Mahdi and Hadi-Harun-or-Rashid-Abbasid foreign policy-Barmakids al-Amin and al-Mamun-al-Mutasim-al-Wasik-Later Abbasids-Rise of the saljuq Turks-downfall of the Abbasids: causes and consequences-Society and culture under the Abbasids. Establishment of regional dynasties-Regional dynasties of the West: Idrishids-Aghlabids: Ibrahim bin Aghlab and the establishment of dynastic rule in Ifriqiya-Ziadatullah and the incidents in Sicily-the later Aghlabids-rise of the Fatimids and end of Aghlabid rule-Tulunids: Ahmad ibn Tulun and his successors-Ikhshidids.
Regional dynasties of the East: Tahirids : Tahir bin Hussain and the establishment of a regional dyansty in Khurasan–Abdullah ibn Tahir–the Khalafi branch of the Tahirids–struggle with the Samanids– Saffarids : their origin and role in the rise of nationalism in Persia– Samanids : the rise of Muslim power in Transoxiana–Ghaznavids : Sabuktagin, Mahmud and Masud– Buwaihids: seperation of power between the Khalifa and the Ameer–Muiz-ud Dawla's reforms military administration–Azd-ud Dawla's economic policy–the later Buwaihids and their downfall– Saljuqs: origin of the dynasty– Tughril Beg and the events in Baghdad–Malik Shah–Nizamul Mulk Tusi: his philosophy of state-craft– decline of the dynasty– The Assassins–rise and fall–cultural contribution
Reading Book List:
Sources–geographical features of Spain- pre-Muslim conditions- Muslim conquest– causes and consequences– Dependent emirate: Abdur Rahman al- Ghafiqi- battle of Tours– Independent emirate: Abdur Rahman I – Hisham I – Hakam I – Abdur Rahman II – neo-Muslims– Christian Zealots– Umar bin Hafsun– Khilafat period ( 929-1031): Abdur Rahman III – Hakam II– Hajib al-Mansur– Decline & fall of The Umayyad dynasty– petty dynasties: Jawharites– Banu Hammud– Banu Ziri– Banu Hud– Banu Dhu al-Nun, Banu Abbad– North African rule: Murabituns, Muahhiduns
Reading Book List:
Review of Sources – pre-Fatimid Egypt and North Africa. Fatimid Khilafat (909-1177): Fatimid propaganda, establishment of Fatimid Khilafat– genealogy of the Fatimids–Ubaidullah al-Madhi, al- Qaim, al- Mansur, al- Muiz: conquest of Egypt and The foundation of al-Qahira by Jawhar, al-Aziz–Fatimid power at its height– relation between the Fatimids and Ummayyads of Spain – al-Hakim–position of non-Muslims–Dar al-Hikma–later Fatimids–al-Mustansir–Armenian Wazirs–downfall of the Fatimid Khilafat–Fatimids and Saljuqs–intellectual life–Socio-economic and cultural contribution of the Fatimids
Ayyubid Sultanat: Rise of Salahuddin: Ayyubids and the Crusade.Mamluk dynasty (1250-15 17) : origin of the Mamluks–foundation of the dynasty–Shajarud Durr– Baybers I–Qalaun–al-Nasir–Mamluks and crusade– Ottoman conquest of Egypt– Selim I and the battle of Marj-i-Dabiq–Trade, commerce and cultural life under the Mamluks.
Reading Book List:
1. Definition, Nature & Scope of Sociology, relationship with other social sciences. Development of Sociology: Contributions of Auguste Comte, Herbert Spencer, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber
2. Culture, Beliefs & Values: Norms, sanctions, symbols, language, subculture, counterculture, hegemony & resistance
3. Globalization, Culture and Society: Globalization and its different dimensions, Cultural globalization, global culture and social change
4. Urbanization and Social Formation: Definition of urbanization and urbanism, Process of urbanization in developing societies and social formation, over urbanization, growth of slum & poverty in mega cities
5. Gender and Society: DisPaper of WID, WAD and GAD, Why gender is important in the disPaper of development, Gender inequality & women’s subjugation in developing societies.
6. Environmental Problems, Natural Disasters and Social Crisis: Climate change and its impact on society, Natural disaster, social crisis and vulnerabilities, Climate change, deforestation and mal-development.
7. Social Inequality: Dimensions of social inequality: Class, gender, age, minority group (religious and indigenous), economic vulnerability, Social inequalities in developed & developing countries.
8. Types of societies: Marxist view on classifying societies on the basis of type of control over economic resources and Lenski’s view on classifying societies by their main means of Subsistance.
9. Deviance & Social Control: Definition of deviance, theories of deviance. Crime & justice system, agencies of social control.
10. Health, Illness and Society: Nature & scope of the problem, Urbanizations, acute, chronic & life style diseases, Social, environmental & behavioural factors affecting health, Communicable & behavioural diseases: STD, HIV/AIDS, TB, Hep-B etc
Giddens Sociology Tony Bilton et al Introductory Sociology
Political Science : Meaning, Nature, Scope, Methods, Relations to other Social Sciences, Importance to Study Political Science.
State : Definition, Elements, State and Government, State and Individual, State and Society, Theories of the origin of the state.
Fundamental concepts : Sovereignty, Law, Liberty, Equality, Rights and Duties, Nation, Nationalism, Internationalism.
Concepts of Political Sociology : Political culture, elite theory, Max Weber and Bureaucracy
Political Thinkers : Plato, Aristotle, St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau.
Books Recommended :
1. R.G. Gettell : Political Science
2. J. W. Garner : Political Science and Government
3. R. M. MacIver : The Modern State
4. G.H. Sabine : A History of Political Theory
5. William Ebenstein : Great Political Thinkers-Plato to the Present
6. H.G. Laski : A Grammar of Politics
History of the Emergence of Independent Bangladesh
Introduction: Scope and description of the emergence of Independent Bangladesh.
Writing on this topic.
1. Description of the country and its people.
a. Geographical features and their influence.
b. Ethnic composition.
c. Language.
d. Cultural syncretism and religious tolerance.
e. Distinctive identity of Bangladesh in the context of undivided Bangladesh.
2. Proposal for undivided sovereign Bengal and the partition of the Sub Continent, 1947.
a. Rise of communalism under the colonial rule, Lahore Resolution 1940.
b. The proposal of Suhrawardi and Sarat Bose for undivided Bengal : consequences
c. The creation of Pakistan 1947 .
3. Pakistan: Structure of the state and disparity.
a. Central and provincial structure.
b. Influence of Military and Civil bureaucracy.
C . Economic , social and cultural disparity
4. Language Movement and quest for Bengali identity
a. Misrule by Muslim League and Struggle for democratic politics .
b. The Language Movement: context and phases .
c. United front of Haque – Vasani – Suhrawardi: election of 1954, consequences.
5. Military rule: the regimes of Ayub Khan and Yahia Khan (1958-1971)
a. Definition of military rules and its characteristics.
b. Ayub Khan’s rise to power and characteristics of his rule (Political repression, Basic democracy, Islamisation)
c. Fall of Ayub Khan and Yahia Khan’s rule (Abolition of one unit, universal suffrage, the Legal Framework Order)
6. Rise of nationalism and the Movement for self determination .
a. Resistance against cultura l aggression and resurgence of Bengali culture.
b. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the six point movement
c. Reactions : Importance and significance
d . The Agortola Case 1968.
7. The mass- upsurge of 1969 and 11 point movement: background,programme and significance.
8. Election of 1970 and the Declaration of Independence by Bangobondhu
a. Election result and centres refusal to comply
b. The non co-operation movement, the 7th March , Address , Operation Searchlight
c. Declaration of Independence by Bangobondhu and his arrest
9. The war of Liberation 1971
a. Genocide, repression of women, refugees
b. Formation of Bangladesh government and proclamation of Independence
c. The spontaneous early resistance and subsequent organized resistance (Mukti Fouz, Mukti Bahini, guerillas and the frontal warfare )
d. Publicity Campaign in the war of Liberation (Shadhin Bangla Betar Kendra, the Campaigns abroad and formation of public opinion )
e. Contribution of students, women and the masses (Peoples war)
f. The role of super powers and the Muslim states in the Liberation war.
g. The Anti-liberation activities of the occupation army, the Peace Committee, Al-Badar, Al-Shams, Rajakars, pro Pakistan political parties and Pakistani Collaborators , killing of the intellectuals.
h. Trial of Bangabondhu and reaction of the World Community.
i. The contribution of India in the Liberation War
j. Formation of joint command and the Victory
k. The overall contribution of Bangabondhu in the Independence struggle.
10. The Bangabondhu Regime 1972-1975
a. Homecoming
b. Making of the constitution
c. Reconstruction of the war ravaged country
d. The murder of Bangabondhu and his family and the ideological turn-around.
Paper Code
Paper Title
History of the Muslims (570-750, Prophet
(sm), Khulafa-i-Rashidun and the Umayyads)
History of The Muslims (750-1258, The Abbasids and the Regional
History of The Muslims in Spain (710-1492)
History of The Muslim Rule in Syria, Egypt and North
Africa (Fatimids, Ayyubids and Mamluks)
Introducing Sociology
Introduction to Social Work
Introduction to Political Theory
History of the
Emergence of Independent Bangladesh
Total =
Marks: 100
Credits: 4
Class Hours: 60
of The Muslims (570-750, Prophet Muhammad (sm), Khulafa-i‑Rashidun and
the Umayyads)
Geographical features of Jazirat al-Arab–sources of history (570-750)–socio-economic, political and cultural conditions of Arabia before the advent of Islam.Early career of Muhammad (sm)–Muhammad (sm) as Prophet before Hijrat–Hijrat of Muslims to Abyssinia–Prophet’s Hijrat to Madina–Charter of Madina–battles of Prophet (Badr, Uhud, Khandaq, Tabuk, Hunayan, Muta)–Prophet`s policy towards the Jews and Christians–Treaty of Hudaybiah– conquest of Mecca–Prophet`s place in history- Khulafa-i-Rashidun : beginning and progress of Khilafat–Abu Bakr’s election–Ridda wars–Khalifa Umar–expansion of Islamic state–Umar’s Diwan–administration–Khalifa Usman–beginning of civil disturbance in Islam–Khalifa Ali–beginning of civil war in Islam–battle of Siffin–arbitration – of Dhumatul Jandal- the Kharijites-
The Umayyads: Geneaolgy –the establishment of Ummayyad Khilafat–Harbite Branch: Muawiyah I–Yazid I–events of Karbala–the rise of the Shiites. Hakamid branch: Marwan I–Abdul Malik: consolidation and Arabicization–the Mawali issue Al-Walid I : expansion of Khilafat in the east and the west–Hajjaj bin Yusuf–Tariq bin Ziyad and Musa bin Nusayar–Umar bin Abdul Aziz: Mawali and revenue policy–Hisham–decline and fall of the Umayyads–Marwan II–revenue reforms of Nasr bin Sayyar–Abbasid propaganda–fall of the Umayyads
Reading Book List:
- Ali, Syed Ameer. A Short History of the Saraceens, London (Reprint), 1951
- Guillaume, A. Life of Muhammad, (English tr. of Muhammad Ishaq’s Ibn Sirat), London, 1955 Hitti, P.K. History of the Arabs, 7th edition, New York, 1961
- Imamuddin, S .M. A Political History of the Muslims, Part-I (Prophet & Caliphate), Dhaka, 1970
- Umayyads & Abbasids, Dhaka, 1970
- Martin, L. Muhammad: His life Based On the Earliest Sources, New Delhi, 1983 Muir, W. Life of Mohamet, 4 volumes, London, 1977
- The Caliphate, its Rise, Decline and Fall, London (Reprint), 1998
- Numani, S. Sirat-al-Nabi, Volume I (tr. into English by Tayyib Eaksh Badauni), Lahore, 1993 Shaban, M.A. Islamic History A New Interpretation, Vol. I, London, 1971
- Watt, W.M. Muhammad, Prophet and Statesman, London, 1961
- Muhammad At Mecca, Oxford, 1953
- Muhammad At Medina, Oxford, 1956
- Wellhausen, J. The Arab Kingdom and its Fall (Tr. by Margaret Graham Weir), Beirut, 1963
- Zaidan, Jurji. Umayyads and Abbasids, (English tr. by D.S. Margoliouth), Gibb Memorial series, IV,
- New Delhi, 1981
Marks: 100
Credits: 4
Class Hours: 60
History of The Muslims (750-1258, The
Abbasids and the Regional Dynasties)
Sources of history (750-258)- Rise of the Abbasids-al Saffah-al-Mansur-Mahdi and Hadi-Harun-or-Rashid-Abbasid foreign policy-Barmakids al-Amin and al-Mamun-al-Mutasim-al-Wasik-Later Abbasids-Rise of the saljuq Turks-downfall of the Abbasids: causes and consequences-Society and culture under the Abbasids. Establishment of regional dynasties-Regional dynasties of the West: Idrishids-Aghlabids: Ibrahim bin Aghlab and the establishment of dynastic rule in Ifriqiya-Ziadatullah and the incidents in Sicily-the later Aghlabids-rise of the Fatimids and end of Aghlabid rule-Tulunids: Ahmad ibn Tulun and his successors-Ikhshidids.
Regional dynasties of the East: Tahirids : Tahir bin Hussain and the establishment of a regional dyansty in Khurasan–Abdullah ibn Tahir–the Khalafi branch of the Tahirids–struggle with the Samanids– Saffarids : their origin and role in the rise of nationalism in Persia– Samanids : the rise of Muslim power in Transoxiana–Ghaznavids : Sabuktagin, Mahmud and Masud– Buwaihids: seperation of power between the Khalifa and the Ameer–Muiz-ud Dawla's reforms military administration–Azd-ud Dawla's economic policy–the later Buwaihids and their downfall– Saljuqs: origin of the dynasty– Tughril Beg and the events in Baghdad–Malik Shah–Nizamul Mulk Tusi: his philosophy of state-craft– decline of the dynasty– The Assassins–rise and fall–cultural contribution
Reading Book List:
- In addition to the relevant books listed under Paper No. 01 the following books must be consulted:
- Ahsanullah, M., History of the Islamic World, New Delhi, 1986
- Bosworth, AD, The Islamic Dynasties, a Chronological and Genealogical Survey, Edinburgh, 1967
- Boyle, J.A. (Ed.), The Cambridge History of Iran, Volumes, IV and V Cambridge, 1968
- Haig, W., Cambridge Medieval History, Vol. IV, Cambridge, 1953
- Hammer, P., History of the Assassins, (English tr. by O. C. Wood), London, 1835
- Hasan, M. History of Islam (Classical Period: 571-1258), Vol. I, Delhi, 1992
- Kennedy, H., The Prophet and the Age of the Caliphates, London and New York, 1986 Le
- Strange., The Lands of the Eastern Caliphate, Cambridge, 1905 Shaban, M.A., The Abbasid Revolution, Cambridge, 1970
- Siddiqui, A. H., Caliphate and Kingship in Medieval Persia, Lahore, 1942
Marks: 100
Credits: 4
Class Hours: 60
History of The Muslims in Spain (710-1492)
Sources–geographical features of Spain- pre-Muslim conditions- Muslim conquest– causes and consequences– Dependent emirate: Abdur Rahman al- Ghafiqi- battle of Tours– Independent emirate: Abdur Rahman I – Hisham I – Hakam I – Abdur Rahman II – neo-Muslims– Christian Zealots– Umar bin Hafsun– Khilafat period ( 929-1031): Abdur Rahman III – Hakam II– Hajib al-Mansur– Decline & fall of The Umayyad dynasty– petty dynasties: Jawharites– Banu Hammud– Banu Ziri– Banu Hud– Banu Dhu al-Nun, Banu Abbad– North African rule: Murabituns, Muahhiduns
Reading Book List:
- Conde, J.A., History of the Domination of the Arabs in Spain (English translation by J. Foster), 3 vols, Barcelona, 1854-56
- Dozy, R., Spanish Islam: A History of the Moslems in Spain, (English translation by E.G. Stokes), London, 1913
- Imamuddin, S.M., Political History of Muslim Spain, Dhaka, 1969
- Some Aspects of Socio-Economic and Cultural History of Muslim Spain (711-1492), Leiden, 1965
- Lane-Poole, S., The Moors in Spain, London, 1912
- Lea, H.C., The Morisces of Spain, New York, 1968
- Lewis, B., and P. Charles, The History of Spain, Part I, London, 1945
- Scott, S.P., History of the Moorish Empire in Europe, 5 Vols, Philadelphia, 1904
- Trend, J.B., Spain & Portugal in Legacy of Islam, (Edited by T.W. Arnold), Oxford, 1952 Watt, W.M., A History of Islamic Spain, Edinburgh, 1965
Marks: 100
Credits: 4
Class Hours: 60
of The Muslim Rule in Syria, Egypt and
North Africa
Ayyubids and Mamluks)
Review of Sources – pre-Fatimid Egypt and North Africa. Fatimid Khilafat (909-1177): Fatimid propaganda, establishment of Fatimid Khilafat– genealogy of the Fatimids–Ubaidullah al-Madhi, al- Qaim, al- Mansur, al- Muiz: conquest of Egypt and The foundation of al-Qahira by Jawhar, al-Aziz–Fatimid power at its height– relation between the Fatimids and Ummayyads of Spain – al-Hakim–position of non-Muslims–Dar al-Hikma–later Fatimids–al-Mustansir–Armenian Wazirs–downfall of the Fatimid Khilafat–Fatimids and Saljuqs–intellectual life–Socio-economic and cultural contribution of the Fatimids
Ayyubid Sultanat: Rise of Salahuddin: Ayyubids and the Crusade.Mamluk dynasty (1250-15 17) : origin of the Mamluks–foundation of the dynasty–Shajarud Durr– Baybers I–Qalaun–al-Nasir–Mamluks and crusade– Ottoman conquest of Egypt– Selim I and the battle of Marj-i-Dabiq–Trade, commerce and cultural life under the Mamluks.
Reading Book List:
- Sadeque, Fatima., Baybars I of Egypt, Dhaka 1958
- Holt, P.M., Lambton, A.K.S. and Lewis, B. (Editors), Cambridge History of Islam, Vols I & II, London, 1970
- Imamuddin, S.M., Political History of the Muslims in North Africa, Dhaka, 1969
- Ivanow, V., The Rise of the Fatimids, Bombay, 1941
- Mamour, Prince P.H., Polemies on the Origins of the Fatimid Caliphs, London, 1934
- Muir, W. The Mamluke or Slave Dynasty of Egypt, London, 1996
- O’ Leary, De Lacy., History of the Fatimid Khilafat, London, 1923
- Runkiman, S., A History of the Crusades, 3 vols, London, Reprint, 1988
- Stevenson, W.B., The Crusades in the East, Cambridge, 1907
- Encyclopaedia of Islam, New edition, Leiden, 1979
Paper Code
Marks : 100
Credits : 4
Class Hours : 60
Paper Title
Introducing Sociology
Exam Duration : 4 Hours
1. Definition, Nature & Scope of Sociology, relationship with other social sciences. Development of Sociology: Contributions of Auguste Comte, Herbert Spencer, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber
2. Culture, Beliefs & Values: Norms, sanctions, symbols, language, subculture, counterculture, hegemony & resistance
3. Globalization, Culture and Society: Globalization and its different dimensions, Cultural globalization, global culture and social change
4. Urbanization and Social Formation: Definition of urbanization and urbanism, Process of urbanization in developing societies and social formation, over urbanization, growth of slum & poverty in mega cities
5. Gender and Society: DisPaper of WID, WAD and GAD, Why gender is important in the disPaper of development, Gender inequality & women’s subjugation in developing societies.
6. Environmental Problems, Natural Disasters and Social Crisis: Climate change and its impact on society, Natural disaster, social crisis and vulnerabilities, Climate change, deforestation and mal-development.
7. Social Inequality: Dimensions of social inequality: Class, gender, age, minority group (religious and indigenous), economic vulnerability, Social inequalities in developed & developing countries.
8. Types of societies: Marxist view on classifying societies on the basis of type of control over economic resources and Lenski’s view on classifying societies by their main means of Subsistance.
9. Deviance & Social Control: Definition of deviance, theories of deviance. Crime & justice system, agencies of social control.
10. Health, Illness and Society: Nature & scope of the problem, Urbanizations, acute, chronic & life style diseases, Social, environmental & behavioural factors affecting health, Communicable & behavioural diseases: STD, HIV/AIDS, TB, Hep-B etc
Giddens Sociology Tony Bilton et al Introductory Sociology
Paper Code
Marks : 100
Credits : 4
Class Hours : 60
Paper Title
Introduction to Social
Exam Duration : 4 Hours
1. Social Work: Meaning, Characteristics, Scope and
Importance Relationship of Social Work with other Sciences- Sociology,
Economics, Psychology and Political Science.
2. Evolution: Evolution of Social Work in UK, USA,
India and Bangladesh.
3. Social Reformers and their Movements in Pre-partition
India and Bangladesh: Raja Rammohan Ray, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, A.K Fazlul
Haque, Sir Syad Ahmed, Begum Rokeya.
4. Social Legislations Related to Social Security, Women
Welfare, Child Welfare.
5. Profession and Social Work: Meaning and
Characteristics of Profession, Social Work as profession,
Philosophical, Religions and Ethical Basis of Social Work.
6. Industrial Revolution: Meaning, Impact on Society,
Industrialization, Urbanization, Welfare State.
7. Social Problems and Social Services in Bangladesh.
8. Methods of Social Work: Basic and Auxiliary Methods
and their Basic Issues such as Meaning, Elements,
Principles and Area of Use. Importance of Social Work Methods in Bangladesh.
Books Recommended:
Barker, Robert L.
:Social Work Dictionary, 3rd ed. NASW, New
York, 1995.
Veronica Social Work Practice: An Introduction 2nd ed. London. Macmillan, 1991.
Walter A. : Introduction to Social Welfare. Prentice Hall, 2nd ed. New
Khalid, M. :
Welfare State, Karachi,
Royal Book, 1968
Morales, A. And
Shaefor, B. Social Work – A Profession of many faces, 4th ed. Allyan and
Bacan, Boston, 1986.
Paper Code
Marks : 100
Credits : 4
Class Hours : 60
Paper Title
Introduction to
Political Theory
Exam Duration : 4 Hours
Political Science : Meaning, Nature, Scope, Methods, Relations to other Social Sciences, Importance to Study Political Science.
State : Definition, Elements, State and Government, State and Individual, State and Society, Theories of the origin of the state.
Fundamental concepts : Sovereignty, Law, Liberty, Equality, Rights and Duties, Nation, Nationalism, Internationalism.
Concepts of Political Sociology : Political culture, elite theory, Max Weber and Bureaucracy
Political Thinkers : Plato, Aristotle, St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau.
Books Recommended :
1. R.G. Gettell : Political Science
2. J. W. Garner : Political Science and Government
3. R. M. MacIver : The Modern State
4. G.H. Sabine : A History of Political Theory
5. William Ebenstein : Great Political Thinkers-Plato to the Present
6. H.G. Laski : A Grammar of Politics
Marks: 100
Credits: 4
Class Hours: 60
History of the Emergence of Independent
History of the Emergence of Independent Bangladesh
Introduction: Scope and description of the emergence of Independent Bangladesh.
Writing on this topic.
1. Description of the country and its people.
a. Geographical features and their influence.
b. Ethnic composition.
c. Language.
d. Cultural syncretism and religious tolerance.
e. Distinctive identity of Bangladesh in the context of undivided Bangladesh.
2. Proposal for undivided sovereign Bengal and the partition of the Sub Continent, 1947.
a. Rise of communalism under the colonial rule, Lahore Resolution 1940.
b. The proposal of Suhrawardi and Sarat Bose for undivided Bengal : consequences
c. The creation of Pakistan 1947 .
3. Pakistan: Structure of the state and disparity.
a. Central and provincial structure.
b. Influence of Military and Civil bureaucracy.
C . Economic , social and cultural disparity
4. Language Movement and quest for Bengali identity
a. Misrule by Muslim League and Struggle for democratic politics .
b. The Language Movement: context and phases .
c. United front of Haque – Vasani – Suhrawardi: election of 1954, consequences.
5. Military rule: the regimes of Ayub Khan and Yahia Khan (1958-1971)
a. Definition of military rules and its characteristics.
b. Ayub Khan’s rise to power and characteristics of his rule (Political repression, Basic democracy, Islamisation)
c. Fall of Ayub Khan and Yahia Khan’s rule (Abolition of one unit, universal suffrage, the Legal Framework Order)
6. Rise of nationalism and the Movement for self determination .
a. Resistance against cultura l aggression and resurgence of Bengali culture.
b. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the six point movement
c. Reactions : Importance and significance
d . The Agortola Case 1968.
7. The mass- upsurge of 1969 and 11 point movement: background,programme and significance.
8. Election of 1970 and the Declaration of Independence by Bangobondhu
a. Election result and centres refusal to comply
b. The non co-operation movement, the 7th March , Address , Operation Searchlight
c. Declaration of Independence by Bangobondhu and his arrest
9. The war of Liberation 1971
a. Genocide, repression of women, refugees
b. Formation of Bangladesh government and proclamation of Independence
c. The spontaneous early resistance and subsequent organized resistance (Mukti Fouz, Mukti Bahini, guerillas and the frontal warfare )
d. Publicity Campaign in the war of Liberation (Shadhin Bangla Betar Kendra, the Campaigns abroad and formation of public opinion )
e. Contribution of students, women and the masses (Peoples war)
f. The role of super powers and the Muslim states in the Liberation war.
g. The Anti-liberation activities of the occupation army, the Peace Committee, Al-Badar, Al-Shams, Rajakars, pro Pakistan political parties and Pakistani Collaborators , killing of the intellectuals.
h. Trial of Bangabondhu and reaction of the World Community.
i. The contribution of India in the Liberation War
j. Formation of joint command and the Victory
k. The overall contribution of Bangabondhu in the Independence struggle.
10. The Bangabondhu Regime 1972-1975
a. Homecoming
b. Making of the constitution
c. Reconstruction of the war ravaged country
d. The murder of Bangabondhu and his family and the ideological turn-around.
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