Home Management and Housing B. Sc. Honors Course Syllabus College of Home Economics Download.

Syllabus for Four Year B. Sc. Honors’ Course In Home Management and Housing

The curriculum for B.Sc. (Honors’) course in Home Management and Housing, shall be offered over the period of four academic years. Students who have passed her H.S.C. examination in Home Economics, Business Studies, Arts & Science group will be admitted to the B.Sc. (Hons). course in Home Management and Housing.

A total of 32 units (3200 marks) of courses are modified and distributed as followed as per regulations of the faculty of Biological Science, under, the University of Dhaka. Minor courses are compulsory for the students.
There will be a final examination at the end of each academic year for students in both theoretical and practical courses and results will be published as per regulation of the Controller of Examination, University of Dhaka.

1. Each unit of theoretical course requires 3 class hours (each week) for a minimum of 20 weeks i.e. a total of 60 class hours over one academic year.

2.Each half-unit course requires a minimum of 30 class hours.

3.For theoretical courses in major areas 20% marks are allocated for in-course assessments and the remaining 80% marks are reserved for final examination. 2 in-course examination for 1 unit & 1 in-course examination for ½ unit.

4.For minor areas : 20% marks are allocated for practical examination.

5.The duration of final year examination for 1unit is 4 hours and for ½ unit is 2½ hours.

6.For major courses:

Unit Final Theory Examination In-course Examination
1 unit (100 marks) 80 marks, (5 ques­tion out of 8, 16 marks for each). 2 exams. of 20 marks.
½ unit (50 marks) 40 marks, (4 ques­tions out of 6, 10 marks for each). 1 exam. of 10 marks.

7. For minor courses:

a) No in-course examination for practical based minor papers.

b) Each 1 unit course will have 80% of marks for theorical, 20% for practical.

c) Each ½ unit course will have 40 marks for theoricals & 10 marks for practical.

d) For minor courses without practical, 20% of marks will be used for taking 1 in-course examination.

8. If a student fails to appear in the In-course Examination she will not allowed for in course examination.

9. At the end of 1 academic year, final examination will be held. If a student wishes to drop any paper, she should do so, by only appearing in the examination. If she obtains less than 45% marks in any paper, she can appear only once within next year. Only two papers can be dropped at a time.


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এডমিন প্যানেল।